Grandpa's Chocolate
For this class assignment, I was tasked with rebranding a fictional chocolate and wine company, Grandpa’s, and advertising their product. Given a choice to rebrand the entire company or choose just one line of business to keep, I chose to work with just the chocolatiering company and change the branding entirely. The entire branding was shifted away from a classy establishment with a target audience of middle-aged adults to a fun, colorful product with a target audience of preteens and children. This direct contrast allowed the product to stand out from competitors and set me apart from my classmates' take on the assignment.
The fictional rebrand promoted limited edition flavors based on fads, trends, or topical discussions. The sample product in this project was created in late 2021, when COVID-19 procedures were still in effect. Flavors of the fictonal bar were based off of foods that have a strong flavor and that were often used to determine if a person had the COVID-19 virus, as a common symptom was a complete loss of taste.
Branding, Identity, Logo Design, Packaging Design, Apparel Design, Social Media Marketing